Medecine Hat Studios

Thursday, April 24, 2008

AMC at The Iron Horse 4/23/08

My apologies for the small pic, but much to my dismay, my phone camera failed me by taking tiny photos of the band. Maybe I should read the damn instructions...

AMC played a brief, but excellent set last night. The focus of which seemed to be on the new album, The Golden Age, but Mark Eitzel and Vudi threw in a few old numbers for long time fans.

The band played slightly modified versions "Blue and Grey Shirt" and "Western Sky" from the 1988 album California, "Johnny Mathis' Feet" from 1993's Mercury, "The Revolving Door" from 1994's San Francisco and "Another Morning" from Love Songs for Patriots. In addition, a number of songs from The Golden Age: "Decibels and Little Pills," "All the Lost Souls Welcome You to San Francisco," and "The Windows of the World" - to name a few.

Beautiful sadness.



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